Men's Fitness

Men's Fitness

How To Get A Six-Pack: The Diet And Exercises That Build Abs

Though we wouldn’t quibble with Patrick Bateman in the arenas of business card design, his workout needs a tweak. That washboard stomach is in spite of, rather than thanks to, a 1000-crunch-a-day...

The Best Running Shoes You Can Buy In 2024

Whether your sights are set on a marathon, the local park run, or just getting around the block without leaving your lunch on the pavement, if you're running, you need the best...

The Best Chest Exercises For Building Huge Pecs

Man boobs aren’t the best, sure, but when your pecs look like they’ve been carved out of marble from the Parthenon, well that’s when you have a chest worth showing off. There’s other...

How To Get Ripped: 10 Habits You Need To Adopt

How to get ripped. It's probably not by typing those words into a search bar that the fitness models you follow enviously on Instagram acquired the abdominals of an Adonis or shoulders...

The Best Arm Workouts To Fill Your T-Shirt Sleeves

When it comes to a man’s reasons for hitting the gym, aside from getting the abs of Brad Pitt in Fight Club, it’s likely that he wants to boost his biceps and...

The 8 Best Shoulder Exercises – As Recommended By Ryan Terry

There’s one thing every action star has in common, aside from a hefty paycheque, and that’s a set of boulder shoulders. Those Hollywood PTs bulking-up the likes of Jason Statham and Dwayne...

The Best Exercises For Losing Weight Fast

When it comes to shifting a few kilos and burning fat, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that calories in versus calories out is key. In other words, you...

The Best Arms Workout You’re Not Doing

Like getting to those last specks of dust under the bed or shaving the awkward hairs under your nose, training your difficult-to-target forearms seems like an almost impossible task. The problem grows...

The Man’s Guide To Testosterone

Put aside those mental images of walnut-varnished torsos and arms as big as legs for a moment. Maybe you’re a muscly alpha male, all square jaw and chest-beating machismo. Perhaps you’re a...

The Best Yoga Pants For Men 2024

For some guys, there’s still a hesitation around yoga classes, but more men than ever are throwing shapes to get a different kind of fitness It's an increasingly popular workout, with...

The Prison Workout: What It Is And Why You Should Do It

The prison yard gym is well-known Hollywood trope – the place where ne’er-do-wells congregate to bench rusty dumbbells and stare down meek fresh meat. The reality is very different. For many prisoners,...

The Best Yoga Classes For Men

There’s an outdated stigma that says for some men yoga is a bit too… well, girly. But it’s a reputation that yoga is fast shaking off as the gender imbalance evens out....

What Causes Man Boobs & How Do You Get Rid Of Them?

Sex, sunbathing by the pool, charging into battle on horseback – there are certain things in life that are best enjoyed without a shirt on. Sadly, however, there’s a cruel affliction hellbent...

The Best Gym Shoes For Every Workout

The battered runners at the bottom of your workout bag don’t cut it. Equally, the luxury sneaker trend promises all form and no function, making them close to useless in the gym. Thankfully,...

The Best Upper Body Workout For A Big Back And Chest

Is there a more satisfying workout than a killer upper body regime? A broad chest and shoulders will help fill a suit and look great in an off-duty T-shirt. Pull your shirt...

5 Ways To Kill Fat For Good

All weight loss is not equal. Haemorrhage pounds before the beach and they have a way of finding their way back to your belly by the next time you’re picking out trunks....

The Man’s Guide To Detoxing

You may not realise it, but your body is essentially one big toxic waste dump. In fact, according to a consortium of health professionals including the Environmental Protection Agency, it's estimated that...

The Summer Body Workout You Can Do In Four Weeks

Passport – check. Sunglasses – check. A physique you’ll want to put on Instagram – ah. They say a summer body is built in winter. But hitting the sand seemed a long time...

Running For Weight Loss: The Pro Guide

Anyone who’s ever thought out loud about taking up running to shift some pounds has heard the same thing: you’ll never lose weight running, you should hit the gym, take up cross...

Good Posture: What It Looks Like & Its Benefits To You

According to the 2001 Back Pain Survey, 2.5 million Brits suffer from bad posture every day. Meanwhile, 28 per cent of Americans suffer from chronic lower back pain, and 14 per cent...

6 No-Kit Exercises That Build As Much Muscle As The Gym

Bodyweight exercise is booming. No surprise: it’s free and you don’t have to mop up anyone else’s sweat. But the benefits aren’t just to your pocket. Strain beneath a barbell and you learn...

The Look Good In A Vest Muscle Workout

We haven’t normally got much time for the teachings of Jim Bro. As he discovers a way to make the leg press into a biceps workout, we’d rather focus on functional moves,...

How To Build A Hollywood Body

They’re the same men you see on the cover of magazines promising 'Big Arms Now'. But claims about LA’s biggest names getting in shape are often met with scepticism. Building muscle and...

How To Do 100 Push-Ups A Day

There's lots to gain from the world's best bodyweight move  Even if you've avoided the gym for the majority of your adult life, it's likely that at one time or another, you've vowed...

How To Get Fit In 2024

Those Quality Street did a number on you, too, huh? Right. Now is the time for a good, hard look in the mirror. Go on, do it. Soak it all in. Yes,...

How To Do 100 Squats A Day

There are many reasons to hate the squat. It's hard to get right, for one. It hurts for days, too. So the thought of doing 100 squats a day is, to most...

This Is The Worst Fitness Trend Of The Year

Demonstrating characteristic hipsterism, my local London council, Hackney, recently installed a set of pull-up and dip bars in the nearest park. With obesity-related disease rife and society largely sedentary, this is to...

10 Things That Lower Your Testosterone Levels

When your masculinity is compromised – and we’re talking on a hormonal level, not screaming at a spider in the tub or a botched attempt at a fairground hammer game – finding...

6 Things That Make It Harder to Lose Weight In Your 20s, 30s And 40s

The stomach. Not only does its size determine how clothes look both on and off, but it’s also the simplest indicator of the body’s health. Your waistline is linked to your risk of...

Fitness Questions All Men Should Know The Answer To

The world of fitness is a huge, sprawling landscape, taking in everything from protein-laced yoghurts to foam rollers and refrigerated-recovery machines. Naturally, getting to grips with all of it can be a...
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